ティム氏は次のようにコメントしている。 「We can use the word Graph, now, to distinguish from Web. I called this graph the Semantic Web, but maybe it should have been Giant Global Graph! Any worse than WWWW? ;-) Not the "Semantic Web" term has been established for a long time, I'm not proposing to change it. But let's think about the graph which it is.」
調査結果によると、マネジャーの関心事とは主に6つ挙げられる。(a)「human capital」,(b)「logistics and technology」,(c)「decision-making processes」,(d) 「administration and control」,(e)「strategy and innovation」、(f)「task environmen」。
なぜならば、MBAプログラムは「管理とコントロール(administration and control)」を最重視していたから。実は、「管理とコントロール」は調査ランキング(マネジャー関心事)の第5番目に位置している・・・・・。
(1)BusinessWeek: B-Schools Soft on 'Soft Skills: http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/aug2007/bs2007082_280172.htm?chan=rss_topEmailedStories_ssi_5
(2)FT(Financial Times): Spotlight on MBA curricula: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/a19b3f9a-41ba-11dc-8328-0000779fd2ac,dwp_uuid=a9543bac-edcc-11db-8584-000b5df10621.html
According to the BusinessWeek magazine, it points out an MBA program at the business school that it is important to rethink "software skills".
It says that there is a gap actually between the education contents which are being taught at the business school, and the knowledge and the skill that the costomers ask for.
There are two kind of skills with this "software skills". The first one is the human resource management, and another one is the decision-making management.
At this time, the survey to the program director with more than 8,600 managers, 373 business schools and 118 deans.
According to this research Result, the six themes are mainly pointed out with the interest of the managers` issues.
(a)「human capital」,(b)「logistics and technology」,(c)「decision-making processes」,(d) 「administration and control」,(e)「strategy and innovation」、(f)「task environmen」
Especially Customers would put on the high prioloties to the 「human capital」 and 「decision-making processes」,although the MBA program thought much of the "administration and control" most.
You could read the releted articles through the following links,
(1)BusinessWeek: B-Schools Soft on 'Soft Skills: http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/aug2007/bs2007082_280172.htm?chan=rss_topEmailedStories_ssi_5
(2)FT(Financial Times): Spotlight on MBA curricula: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/a19b3f9a-41ba-11dc-8328-0000779fd2ac,dwp_uuid=a9543bac-edcc-11db-8584-000b5df10621.html
現在、企業にとってイノベーションの重要性が高まっている。 なぜならば、「The World is Flat」(WSJ Thomas L. Friedman)であるからだ。 世界は情報に関して、水平的につながってしまった。 企業が発表する新製品や新しいサービスなどは、 発表した瞬間、数時間を経ずして、世界中に拡がってしまう。 つまり、ビジネスの陳腐化は、新しいビジネス開始した瞬間から始まっている可能性ある・・・・?!
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Googleの会長兼CEOであるエリック・シュミット氏は次のように述べている。 今回のアライアンスによって、何十億にもおよぶ世界のモバイル・テクノロジー潜在性を開放するのに役立つだろう。モバイル産業におけるイノベーションを推し進めることによって、未来に向けた人々の情報アクセスや共有のあり方といった新しいコンピューティング環境を具現化することに役立つだろう。 (This partnership will help unleash the potential of mobile technology for billions of users around the world. A fresh approach to fostering innovation in the mobile industry will help shape a new computing environment that will change the way people access and share information in the future).
今回の発表は、この数週間、プレスを賑わしてきた「Google Phone」よりも、野心的なものである。われわれのビジョンとは、何千もの異なる種類のモバイル携帯電話(モデル)をつくるためのプラットフォームを提供することだ。 (Today's announcement is more ambitious than any single 'Google Phone' that the press has been speculating about over the past few weeks. Our vision is that the powerful platform we're unveiling will power thousands of different phone models).
同氏は、ギリシャ神話に例えて説明している。 「The hero need not die at the end, but he/she must undergo a change in fortune. In addition, the tragic hero may achieve some revelation or recognition about human fate, destiny, and the will of the gods」.
Even if it were supposed that there would be the following tendencies, the product that the additional value was high and the evidence that service was overwhelmingly liked exist but a lot of companies fall into the experience-curve.
The company catches the action as if it would believe the only variable to operate not only the cost but also operating prices.
Therefore, the company has lost sight of the variable, the customer needs, the emerging service and the quality.
According to Clay Christensen who wrote "Innovation Dilemma", it is necessary for companies to invest to create the new growth business while the core business is still growing, because new business units don`t need to get big fast.
But when the core business stops growing, investing to create new growth businesses becomes impossible. He says that "Once a company ’s growth has stopped, the game as we have known it is over".
The more enterprise competitions would be intense, the more the importance of the business innovation would increase, I mean.
For companies leadership plays an important role to have the right direction to the next step, what is going on, what is rational.
It would be necessary to have "Innovation" for not only the corporate organization but also the individual.
The times has been changed ---.
Innovation at Google
Microsoft CEO Ballmer laughs at Apple iPhone
Driving Innovation (Sun Microsystems)
Jeff Bezos: After the gold rush, there's innovation ahead