
「米Google、新しいWebブラウザ研究プロジェクト Native Client(NaCl)発表・・・・」

米Googleは、"Native Client"(NaCl)と呼ばれる新しいWebブラウザ研究プロジェクトを発表した。x86アーキテクチャ向けにコンパイルしたコードを異なるOS上で実行できるという。
Modern PCs can execute billions of instructions per second, but today's web applications can access only a small fraction of this computational power. If web developers could use all of this power, just imagine the rich, dynamic experiences they could create. At Google we're always trying to make the web a better platform. That's why we're working on Native Client, a technology that aims to give web developers access to the full power of the client's CPU while maintaining the browser neutrality, OS portability and safety that people expect from web applications. Today, we're sharing our technology with the research and security communities in the hopes that they will help us make this technology more useful and more secure.
"Native Client"(NaCl)....心地よいカスタマー・エクスペリエンスを求めて、Prewireブログの旅はつづく。。。

Native Client: A Technology for Running Native Code on the Web (Google)

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