

米BusinessWeek誌によると、やはり、米アップルはお客様の期待を裏切らないと説明している。Macbook Pro紹介に際して、ヘンリー・フォードがT型モデルを作って以降、お客様のニーズを唯一分かる企業がアップルであるという。
Apple is the only company I know that can tell its customers what they want and make them like it. Nobody else has pulled that off since Henry Ford decreed that consumers could get a Model T in any color they liked as long as it was black. The latest MacBook and MacBook Pro computers suggest that Apple has not lost its touch.
Macbook Pro....心地よいカスタマー・エクスペリエンスを求めて、Prewireブログの旅はつづく。。。

Apple Laptops: The Hits Keep Coming (BusinessWeek)

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