
「米EMC、クラウドサービス Decho開始へ・・・・」

米EMCがクラウドサービスを開始したようだ。サービス対象は、写真、ビデオ、金融資料、その他の多様なデジタル資料が対象となる。提供するのは「Decho社」。同社は、EMCが買収して獲得した「Hopkinton社」、および「Pi Corp.社」を一緒にした会社だ。
EMC Corporation, the world leader in information infrastructure solutions, today established Decho Corporation (www.decho.com), a new company focused on helping people protect, manage and enrich the ever-growing quantity of personal digital information in their lives, also known as an individual's "digital echo." Decho will be a combination of two formerly separate EMC businesses - Mozy, Inc. and Pi Corp. Decho will continue to offer consumers and businesses the top-rated MozyTM-branded online backup service ( www.mozy.com), as well as introduce new cloud-based services for individuals over time.
Cloud Services....Deeper customer experiences, we are asking for....

EMC Forms Decho Corporation to Address the Growing Personal Information Challenge (EMC)

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