
「米IBM、Project Big Greenの第二段としてデータセンタ向け製品を発表へ」


Project Big Greenの第2段階では、設備投資および運用コストとITニーズとのバランスをとる上で、より高い柔軟性をデータセンタに持たせることにより、エネルギー効率改善のさらなる向上を目指すという。

IBMのProject Big Greenがグローバルなエネルギー危機に対応 (日本IBM Press Release)
IBM Project Big Green Tackles Global Energy Crisis (IBM Press Release)

データセンタの環境は、劇的な変化を遂げつつある。米環境保護局(EPA)によれば、こうした環境に関わるエネルギー・コストは、5年ごとに倍増しており、全米暖房冷凍空調技術者協会(American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air/Conditioning Engineers)は、今後10年以内に、密度は20倍になると予測している。データセンタの設備投資の約60%、そして運用コストの50%がエネルギー関連であることから、格段にエネルギー効率の優れたデータセンタを設計、建設、運営することが、企業にとって不可欠となってきた。


Enterprise Modular Data Center (EMDC) - an enterprise class data center "shrink-wrapped" and standardized from 5,000 square feet up to 20,000 square feet. This approach enables clients to bring new data centers online three-to-six months sooner than a custom designed version. By building in smaller, standardized modules, clients can scale the starting data center capacity by up to 12 times while matching their capital and operational costs to their IT needs over time. This approach allows the customers to defer up to 40 percent of the capital expense and 50 percent of the operational expense until the capacity is required. Each EMDC is designed to achieve the world's highest ratings for energy leadership, as determined by the Green Grid, an industry group focused on advancing energy efficiency for data centers and business compute ecosystems.

Portable Modular Data Center (PMDC) - provides a fully functional data center in a pod-like form with a complete physical infrastructure including power and cooling systems and remote monitoring. It also has all the elements of the secure operating environments found in traditional "raised- floor" data centers, including protection from fire, smoke, humidity, condensation and temperature changes. The PMDC can be shipped and deployed into any environment and can support multiple technology vendors and multiple systems in an industry standard rack environment.

High Density Zone (HDZ) - a modular system that provides incremental cooling and power capability in existing data centers that are tapped out of capacity. The HDZ system can be swapped into an existing data center without disrupting current operations and can provide up to 35 percent cost savings compared to retrofitting an existing data center.

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