

米Googleは8月18日、AndroidのSDK(ソフトウェア開発キット)のベータ版を公開した。このSDKとは、あくまでもベータ版だ。正式版は「Android 1.0」となる。

Google released the first beta version of its SDK for Android phones. Since this is a beta release, applications developed with it may not quite be compatible with devices running the final Android 1.0.


1. First and most obviously, the new Home screen is included, along with a ton of UI changes for 1.0.(ホーム・スクリーンの変更)
2. Some new applications are included: an Alarm Clock, Calculator, Camera, Music player, Picture viewer, and Messaging (for SMS/MMS conversations.)(新しいAppを含んでいる/アラームクロック、計算機、カメラ、音楽プレーヤー、ピクチャー・ビュワー、メッセージングなど)
3. Several new development tools were added, such as a graphical preview for XML layouts for users of Eclipse, and a tool for constructing 9-patch images.(開発ツールの追加変更/Eclipseユーザー向けXMLレイアウトのためのグラフィカル・プレビューなど)
4. Since we've got a new Home screen application now, we thought the now-obsolete version from the M5 early-look SDK might be helpful to developers, so its source is included as a sample.(開発者にとって早期にM5 SDK獲得は有利となる)
5. A number of new APIs are fleshed out and improved, and others are now close to their final forms for 1.0.(新しいAPIは多数を改善されているため、最終バージョン1.0版に近くなっている)
6. Tons of bugs were fixed, of course. (If you had problems with the MediaPlayer, try it now!)(非常に多数のバグ修正がなされている)

Deeper customer experiences, we are asking for......

Google's Announcing a beta release of the Android SDK

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