

米IBMはマサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジに、ソーシャル・ソフトウェアの研究センタを開設すると発表した。狙いは、「Tomorrow at Work」のため。いま、企業を取り巻く環境は大きく変化している。相応に、われわれ自身も変わらなければならないのかもしれない。

IBM Center is an example of Tomorrow at Work, an IBM initiative that examines a changing work world and anticipates trends in technology, business, society and culture.
The ability to form and interact within a community is becoming increasingly important as Internet-based technologies make their way into corporate environments and companies seek to collaborate more with their customers, partners and employees. The goal of the IBM Center is to create a new type of collaborative environment to tackle some of the toughest questions about social software, identify new business models, help discover next-generation Web 2.0 applications, and determine how and why people form viral communities and the implications they have on our daily lives.

IBM Opens Center for Social Software (IBM)

What is Web 2.0?!(Web 2.0の意味は何だろう)

What is the differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?(Web 2.0とWeb 3.0の違いは何か)

The Machine(Web) is Us.(たぶん、Webはわたしたちそのものを意味している…)


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